Friday, February 2, 2007


I still walk alone
Trying to find what went wrong
Gone are the days when you were by my side;
Gone are the days when we shared everything;
And now gone some days without talking.

Tears glisten in my eyes
You may forget me but never will I,
I wonder….
Can we go back to living our lives at all?
Can we start all over again?
Maybe this time leaving out the sorrow.
Can we live our lives with feelings.
Will there ever be such a tomorrow?

Life just seems to go on and on
Seeming at all times empty and long
No spirit to endure
Or no hope to find a cure
But there’s a comfort inside so used to losing
Hollow ambitions
Struggling to maintain what’s left
Trying not to break, but I am so tired of this deceit
There’s a wound that’s always bleeding.
I don’t know whom to trust.
Nobody any more ushers me on my way
The tiring time in between.

Amenities of the past make me nostalgic.
But to get elation even in separation is what I am looking for.
There’s a path I am always walking
And I hate it when you are not around
Hate the fact that you didn’t call
Hate the fact that I trusted myself with you
Hate the fact that we turned the world into what we see
But most of all I hate the fact that I don’t hate you at all
Or nor have I got any close to hating you at all.

There’s an earnest longing deep inside
For something to come along and change the tide
I am stuck in, trapped her
Trying so hard to realize what is it that didn’t get along
Is it lack of warmth in love
Or is it that I jus feel so feel
Or was this all someday just meant to be?
What use is it if you cannot feel love inside and out?

The world indeed is void of love in all its way
The word happiness seems like such a lie.
I don’t know what I want
Practically lifeless with forgotten aim am I.
Contentment is now but a fabricated, blurred vision.
I kinda feel I have lost the real me
The one I used to be
Feeling so lost and lonely in this world
Is there anybody out there who cares for me.
Who can help me find the real me.
The one I used to be the better part of me.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Cry Of A Street Urchin

The world around me is bright with light
But why is mine dark and cold
Mine is a heart sad and withered
Filled with miseries untold.

Life just goes on and on
Seeming at all times empty and long
There is no spirit to endure
Or no hope to find a cure.

Everyone’s looking for the key to his or her life
Nobody has the time to stop and think
Or even share a smile or a blink
I am left vulnerable.

I seem to be ignored by all
With no one to call my own
No one to love, none to love me
Lingering alone in the darkness.

Why do passers-by stop to stare?
Old men seem to glare
But why o why no one to care?
Or is it that I don’t hear the screams of those who seemed to care.

I walk alone, blinded by tears
The road is rough and tough
Though I wear no slippers, I’ll walk ahead
Till the flame dies out and I am DEAD.

-sowmya nataraj

Random thoughts

I love to lie down on the roof top
And gaze at the vast blue sky atop
It gives me so much pleasure
Never mind even if your days are blue
Just give time to see the sky all blue
It will take away all your gloom
Just like the soft and white fluffy clouds,
Drift along the vast blue sky,
Sure your worries too will drift away.
As the cold breeze blows by,
A hundred thoughts pass by my head
Then I close my eyes,
Suddenly I smell the earthly fragrance of the wet mud.
It seems like taking me to land of my own
A land far away from civilization,
It lifts up my level of excitation,
Cause loneliness has always been my expectation.
And off I go to a world of contemplation,
As I contemplate I feel the sun’s radiance
I bring my hands close to each other rub them gently,
And place it on my eye I feel the warmth of my hand
Just radiating through my eyes,
As I open my eyes,
I see the sun all-nice and bright,
Shining brightly and brilliantly like never before,
It gives me A New Hope,
A new feeling,
A feeling of warmth that assures me,
That I am still alive and here for a reason,
I no not, or care not what the reason is,
Whatever may be the reason
For now the only reason I can see is,
To see god’s creation,
The way it was meant to be.
….. sn


Its time to contribute for the magazine;
An urge in me to write an article,
What am I gonna write???
I haven’t given it a damn thought ,
But I assured ma’am I would
Maybe writing a poem was the best thing I thought
But as I sit to write one, I realize
The poetic self isn’t pleased on being summoned
It acts on its own will,
When thoughts flow, flow it does n how
It just gushes and rushes like a river in torrent,
A fury that no man or dam can withstand.
The intricacies of each letter formed,
The sensation that each fingers feel,
As the words flow
Is just absolutely wonderful.
But now the poet in me is still in slumber
However hard I try to wake it
The poet in me refuses to awaken
A slumber too deep that it has itself indulged in.
I think the poetic artist in me has died
I wait for the resurrection of the phoenix
From the ashes it may emerge but when ???
I have to wait and watch
I have had enough of writing for now
This article actually started off as one of my mindless thought;
With lot of apprehension I hand over this
I see an amused smile, spreading on her lips
"Abnormality thy name", she remarks.
I wonder did she like it or not????
Sowmya Nataraj

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Sometimes, I wish had a dream;
A dream that would come true.
Sometimes I wish I was a bird,
Flying and soaring high up in the sky.
Like an eagle that flies on the breeze,
Flying high, what a feeling to fly
I can go anywhere that I please.
Sometimes I wish I was a child
To fill up the emptiness of a family
Sometimes I wish I was a nightingale
To sing and cheer the sorrowful souls
Sometimes I wish I was an angel
To love someone who has lost their love
But most of all I wish …..
This world was a better place to live
A world with complete peace and harmony,
A world where money making is not the main criteria,
A world where power doesn’t get to the head of those possessing it,
A world where there is absence of reign of corruption,
A world where everyone fights for the good,
A world where there is no Satan-reincarnated.
Sometimes I wish we had the time to stop and think
To find a bond or even a common link
But who knows when this sometime will come?
And who knows where our fate will take us?
So until the time of eternity
I wish and wish and wish
As I sit here wishing a child wails, a boy bleeds,
A woman weeps and man perishes.
And still i sit here doing nothing
Hoping for a saviour, a Gandhi, a Teresa
Forgetting that i could be one, u could be one
We all could be one.
ENOUGH! Here is the time we take over
As each generation marks the arrival of a new change
Let this generation mark the arrival of a new