Saturday, September 13, 2014

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow!!

I ignore the lies that you tell
I ignore the truth that you hide
I ignore all that's real and true about you
I ignore the mistakes that you make
Coz I let my heart rule for love's sake

You smile, Coz you think you succeeded
With your act so perfect and neat
In making me believe your deceit
Does it give you a feel of having achieved a feat
My love I knew it all along

Not your fault, for its only me who loved you
So until the day I let you go
I will fight not, for I will let my feeling's take over
I beg not to thee to understand me
Some day I will move on, maybe then you will know it all.

1 comment:

Ganesh_Chennai said...

Just came across your blog. Hope your 3 years confusion got resolved. Just Move on Dear. World has lot to offer.