Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Life is not so grief stricken
When a flower that has fully bloomed wither's off
For it has spread its fragrance across 
But to be crushed when it is still a bud
It grieve's one inward and throughout
Making one scream and shout out
As no spirit, has the strength to endure

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Love is like a cocaine high
No matter how hard you try
It comes in real slow
But it hits you real hard and fast
A feeling so unbelievably chaste
Making you only wish it would forever last 

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow!!

I ignore the lies that you tell
I ignore the truth that you hide
I ignore all that's real and true about you
I ignore the mistakes that you make
Coz I let my heart rule for love's sake

You smile, Coz you think you succeeded
With your act so perfect and neat
In making me believe your deceit
Does it give you a feel of having achieved a feat
My love I knew it all along

Not your fault, for its only me who loved you
So until the day I let you go
I will fight not, for I will let my feeling's take over
I beg not to thee to understand me
Some day I will move on, maybe then you will know it all.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

For a Friend

I love u all day n I love u all nite
To keep u smiling.. I would fight wit all my mite
Having u around makes me feel alrite
Even wen I am drunk n feel all tite

A habit or two having met u
Started with walks n talks a few
Everything I said abt me did shock you
Amazed me, but maybe its to you all new

Not a day without a peck on th cheek
Unless u ditch me n act like a freak
So its missed on days my love 2 u, is weak
I try 2 make up for it wit a packet of silk :-)

The looong evening rides
Not forgetting your bldy animal bites
Or those warm hugs so tite
At the end of it an amazing feeling of an evening spent so rite :-)

Sometimes its nice n sometimes it hurts
Sometimes I curse n sometimes I love
Tears in silence n laughters aloud
Feelings of despair wen ur not arnd

** Gundu this ones for u :) ***

A slumber did my spirit seal!!!

Dear friend where art thou
I wait for thee to get back
To the world that you and I created
Walked away you did, not realizing
When you walk away, it’s not just you
But a part of me walking away with you.
My time stands still
Two steps when I now tread forward
Nobody ushers me on my way
So I’m in search of a new companion
To accompany my stride,
Though not all through my way!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

A struggle within

Myriads of thoughts pass by
Mistakes of the past haunt her
Over and over again
Sleepless nights and silent tears

There’s a crowd around her
Yet she wakes up to an emptiness
As the voice of guilt surfaces
A struggle within her

Maybe she doesn't know what she has begun
But it’s hard to justify what's been done
Does she say its OK and move on

Or let the thoughts linger on???

Friday, January 31, 2014


Lost in your thoughts again
Its hard to see you away
Your retracting steps play over n over again
Your presence still lingers on
No matter how many years have passed on
Your memories never cease at all
Our love did fall into a deep slumber
A sleep too deep to shake it off

BIM marathon

Out of the window I stare,      
The traffic is like a snare
There’s no way out, some people just bear
And some pull their hair
But to follow traffic rules they never really care

For the young blood it’s all about the speed
On the road they just wanna be in the lead
While others fear when they might bleed
Old people, if given a chance would plead
To safe driving rules, wish they did heed.

Here we are calling ourselves the BIMITES
Are all set to run the marathon and throw some light
To drive safe and avoid any road fights
Or worse case a tragic plight

For this with our heart and soul we shall fight

** 1st marathon conducted by BIM, my contribution :)