Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wise or price

I wonder wat i want out of my life
In school getting good grades was a strife
In college it wasnt easy to stride
Now at work i feel like i am fried          
Ah it already seems like a tuf ride

Gotta go a long way before my goodbyes
Its sure gonna be filled with lows and highs
But after every fall i gotta rise
Strong and wise
Else i may end up paying a heavy price

Forever Young

Life aint gonna be there forever
And we are not growing any younger
So make mistakes and run for cover  
Get high on the highest tower

Go an extra mile
Make someone smile
Take a break, relax awhile
Stay away from the work files

When things dont go right
Dont get too uptight                        
You shall win the fight
Just take it light

Take a road trip
With a song on your lip
Give work a slip                
And Keep your blackberry's off your grip

We may have lots to attain
But we wont be young again
So for memories gain
Let lifes worries not hold us down in chains

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Monday Morning blues

Monday mornings seem just like a dull hue
Oh how I wish there was some kinda curfew
When I say Monday ain't a great day to start work
Understand they do but just a few
Wishing they take the cue
And make a rule so new
That would take away all our Monday morning blues!! :) 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Childhood now a haze..

I wish i could go back to the times
When all i had 2 know was rhymes  
When mums lap was the best pillow
No matter if i was feelin happy or low

When dad was the strongest man ever
His anger making me shiver
When work meant, eat slp and play
And listen to what the teacher says  

When lifes only decision 2 make
Was to decide on which toy to play
When things were much simpler
Though not popular

Wishing life had a rewind button
To take away most of my burden.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Few things that I know

I donno why I love you
But the things that i know are just a few like
The sunshine in the dawn aint anything against your smile
The smell of flower aint anything against the smell that envelopes you
The taste of chocolate aint anything against the taste of your lips  
The beauty of a droplet on the leaf aint anything against the beauty of your eye
The feeling of being complete aint comparable against anything when your with me

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy birthday :)

Wishing you a very happy birthday dear
May your day kick off in top gear
May you have ahead of you a wonderful year
With no fear or tear, but only cheer
Cakes and candles is what you have gotta endure
Maybe with a little bit of beer  
Hope i am making it clear
  HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)          

¤wrote it for my friends bday :) ¤

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jam jam jammed

This journey seems to me like eternity
Its driving my mind towards insanity
Seems like the road I take is used by the entire human fraternity
And also my ipod runs out of battery
Bad luck I must say with all certainty :)

Wonderful yesternight

I still remember that night
Cuddled in your arms holding you tight
Sleeping underneath the moon light
I came close to your ears, you thought that  I would bite
But then I whispered those 3 magical words, the moment seemed so right.

I wet your lips with mine,
It wasnt your first kiss, neither was mine
Yet I could feel your heart beat go on an overdrive
Between us I knew love did thrive
It was beautiful and magical
A wonderful moment that remains etched in my mind.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Namma Bengaluru traffic effects

Its 6 o clock in the evening  
I write this as I am travelling
Back from office to the place  I am staying

Out of the window I stare..        
Lights around heavily  glare..  
The traffic is like a snare..
Therz no way out, some ppl just bear..
And some tear their hair..  
But to follow traffic rules they neva really care..                                                
Traffic jams in blr seriously rocks  
Even if you have people to talk
It could seriously put you into a state of shock        
Every road is chock a block  
And time keeps ticking away on your clock

 I have been travelling for 2 hours
And my house is still so far
So i stare at all the cars
And the guys at the bars
And sometimes at the  shining stars

My stomachs growling                  
And my eyes are closing
As usual time's ticking                
And its getting too boring
So here I stop my poetry writing :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thank you

All i wanna say is thank you..
People like you are just a few..
When I say thank you..
Just know that I am being true..

When you handle my CR
It takes away all my fear
And my hair I dont need to tear
Cos I know your always there

Sometimes i used 2 screw up so bad
And make u so mad..
Sorry it was my bad
My apologies for all that

Wont forget the time i ve had
The times we have shared..
The times you have always been there
With loads of care. .

Jus a few to mention..
The xmas celebration..
The cubicle decoration
The reindeer creation..

Well its jus a partial good bye
I will still be sticking around for a while
Although from now on i will sit away a mile
I would definetly drop in to say a hi :)

¤Dedicated 2 swarup prasanna
if i survived 3 yrs in infy the top most reason wud b u thank u ji :) ¤

Monday, October 8, 2012

Looking for love

The worlds so big and blue
I wanna see it all with you
No matter even if th minutes are few
I wish evrydy holds somethin new

Wanna live the nites
Feeling the warmth
Wrapped in your arms..
And my lips wet by yours

Its love that i am looking for
A love so true
A love so pure
That only, you will be my cure

No amount of love
No amount of care
No amount of anything
Nothing else should do, but just you!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tied down

There r nites that i keep wondering..
Of a future thats so unsure..
And a present, tats filled with love so pure

Dnt feel lik breaking away frm my present
Although my work i resent
Cos my frnd u make my stay so pleasant

There r awful days i ve had..
Work driving me mad
And nites tat i feel so sad..

Even if i can find someone lik u
I cant get myslf 2 say gd bye 2 u
Cos I jus cant let myslf miss u

Tied down by love..
Yeah love
Cos wen i love I love
With all tat i ve have :-)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

When it all ends..

I wish we could stay togethr 'til the end of time                                                      
Live our days of musical chime
Getting high on tequila n a wedge of lime
To throw a surprise we wud go the extra mile
Even if problems pile
Tears would remain just for awhile
Laughters n giggles heard all th while
But some how the times running out to stay
When it all ends i would jus wanna say
 "I LOVED YOU" more than what I could show

Monday, May 14, 2012

Need Another Story

I need another story,
Cos my life has just got too boring
Satisfaction is no way nearing
Change is what I need to keep me going

I need another story,
Cos I feel like a wreck
Unnoticed like a card in a deck
I just wish I could go back

I need another story,
Cos my life is so out of track
I just wish I could pack my sack
And leave to never come back

I need another story,
Cos I have made mistake,
A new beginning I need to make
Else my future is at stake

I need another story,
Cos I find no passion
It just increases tension
And frustration just to mention

She falls to Rise

As I walk along the sea shore
I hear the waves roar

She is here, she is there
And sometimes she is everywhere

She just seems to go on and on
And I wonder how she does it for so long

She washes away my feet all neat
And sweeps away the sand beneath my feet

Sometimes she is as gentle as a breeze
And sometimes so restless that she could make us cease

Sometimes she rises and sometimes she falls
Makes me wonder if am on Earth or heaven above all...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Broken Heart

It was in the month of May
In tears she lay
As he had walked away
His wonderful memories were here to stay.

His voice she would never hear
His touch she would never feel
His smile she would never see
His love she would never forget.

She stood there looking over the window pane
Thinking of him over and over again
She knew it brought no gain
But just too much pain.

You are the apple of my eye
When your gone you make me cry
To be with you is what i always try
Now all those words seemed so much like a lie. 

She forces herself to think its all over
Its time to move on
Bad times wont stay too long
Life will soon sing a new song :)