Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The end of an Era

You wet my eyes
I begun to cry
I wonder why
Is it cos in the coffin you lie

Its been a long journey
With its ups n downs
From being hated and frowned
With your love you did conquer the crown

Movies and Politics you say
Was never your foray
Yet you ruled like a king
With determination and grit

You were humiliated
You were betrayed
You were tried and tested
Yet the warrior in you stayed

After every fall
You only stood tall
Powerful then ever
Giving up never

Today as we bid adieu
Looking at a future without you
The world knows leaders like you
Are none or just a handful few

You have and you will always be an inspiration
Not just to a handful few, but to an entire nation
Who have seen you fall and rise at every occasion
Facing and never giving up in any situation

May your soul rest in peace

Friday, November 18, 2016

Love locked

My love this ones for you
To the one who took me to a world so new
Showered me with love and care so true
A magic experienced by just a few

The look in your eyes
The smell of your skin
The touch of your lips
Kindles my feminity to thrive

The way you hold me
The way you caress me
The way you take me to another world
That moment when I have given all of me 2 u

I realize the waits finally over after so long
Good or bad we have stood and been strong
I feel, i am where i need to belong
This seems just too right to go any wrong

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Where art thou!!

My love where art thou
Love between us, did grow
But now you have none to show
Where did the love between us go

You made be believe it was going strong
But sadly i was wrong
Should have known it all along
That to me, you don't belong

Just like the way you leave
I won't cease to believe
That soon a new world i would weave
And in your thoughts I wouldn't grieve

Friday, November 4, 2016

Love life and everything else

Days of knowing each other
Memories of  being together
Bitterness of being apart
We have seen and been a part

My heart wouldn't wait
The moment felt right
I hit the question straight
Her face did turn bright

On this day I have chosen to say
Also being my birthday
Would make it extra special in a memorable way
I found someone to keep me happy n sane

**Wrote on behalf of a friend to his gf ☺

Office blues

Work ain't no more fun
Hate the morning sun
When to office I need to run
Wish I could take a u turn

Life seems to be in a repeat mode
To see office files and the work load
Over and over again, being told
Work smart, work hard

To walk one among the crowd
Ain't no reason to feel proud
Screams in my ears clear and loud
Let it go, its high time you act bold

Should I wait and decide and not hurry
Cos whether to quit or not, isn't my worry
But will it be, again the same old story
So I gotta wait n choose wise what will be all fun n merry

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Adventure Spirit

The roads across the mountain plains
Are dusty rocky and difficult terrains
Some ride through this lane
Even if its snows, burns or rains

Gusty winds sends a chill down their spine
Lungs scream for oxygen to keep them up and fine
Yet for those in whose life, adventure reigns
This aint no reason to stop and recline

The roads may have one too many bends
To give it all up, our body & mind may tend
A fighting spirit, our adventure souls may lend
Together we will reach the victorious end

Cause for some this is the only way they feel alive
By letting their adventure spirit thrive
Even if their need to go an extra mile
Of taking a path that’s less taken most of the time.

** Leh Ladakh Trip - 24th June 2016 to 3rd July 2016 **