Friday, January 31, 2014


Lost in your thoughts again
Its hard to see you away
Your retracting steps play over n over again
Your presence still lingers on
No matter how many years have passed on
Your memories never cease at all
Our love did fall into a deep slumber
A sleep too deep to shake it off

BIM marathon

Out of the window I stare,      
The traffic is like a snare
There’s no way out, some people just bear
And some pull their hair
But to follow traffic rules they never really care

For the young blood it’s all about the speed
On the road they just wanna be in the lead
While others fear when they might bleed
Old people, if given a chance would plead
To safe driving rules, wish they did heed.

Here we are calling ourselves the BIMITES
Are all set to run the marathon and throw some light
To drive safe and avoid any road fights
Or worse case a tragic plight

For this with our heart and soul we shall fight

** 1st marathon conducted by BIM, my contribution :)